Problem: The workplace canteen is overcrowded at the 11am tea break, causing delays. WHY?
The Whole Workforce go on their break at the one time.
The Policy for Break Time states that everybody must go on their break at 11am.
The Policy for Break Time was drafted and ratified when this workplace first opened, with fewer employees.
A Policy was necessary so that the work being carried out in the workplace was maximised and so that break times ran efficiently.
Employees were taking breaks when it suited them to in the beginning.
Route Cause and Solution:
How do you feel the Whys helped/hindered you to come to a conclusion?
The 5 Whys helped me to identify one of the root causes of a problem, that being the need for an update in the Break Time Policy. I feel that is was one of the simplest analysis tools as it was easy to complete without statistical analysis.
However, I also feel that the The 5 Why approach lead to the identification of just one root cause for the problem. I would need to go through the ‘5 Why' process several times for the given problem in order to ensure that all root causes are identified.
Solutions to the Problems
A review of the Break Time Policy is needed.
Break Times could be split.
Renovations in the canteen could be considered in order to provide more space for the employees.
Likely Consequence Proposed
A review of The Break Time Policy would be very beneficial to the workplace as it would take current issues within the workforce, such as amount of staff, type of work being carried out and health and safety, into consideration, when planning the best options for Break Times.
If Break Times were to be split, this would mean that there wouldn’t be a break in production throughout the day, something which could maximise overall production and job satisfaction.
Although, there would be an extra cost to renovating the canteen by increasing it in size and possibly