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In the1840s, the term Manifest Destiny was used to justify the United States' westward expansion. This expansion took place in areas like Texas and Oregon. There was a belief that Americans had a mission which was divinely inspired to spread their democracy to the less fortunate. The less fortunate consisted of Native Americans and other non-Europeans.…
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Manifest Destiny is defined as "a belief that it was God's will that Americans spread over the entire continent, and to control and populate the country as they see fit." Many expansionists conceived God as having the power to sustain and guide human destiny. It was white man's heavy burden to conquer and Christianize the heathen and savage land. While the positive side of Manifest Destiny was a surge of enthusiasm and energy from the white settlers for pushing West, the negative side was the belief that the white man had the right to destroy anything and anyone -- namely Indians -- who got in the way. Tracing the path of Manifest Destiny across the West would highlight mass destruction of tribal organizations, confinement of Indians to reservations, and full blown genocide. The dark side of Manifest Destiny revealed the white man's belief that his settlement of the land and civilization of its native peoples was preordained.…
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In the 19th century, Manifest Destiny, which is the idea that the United States’ expansion was inevitable and justified throughout the continent, became prevalent and was used a way to validate the nation’s acquirement of new territories. The idea brought forth a sense of nationalism and led to the nation working towards expanding and laying a foundation for an empire. However, as the US made an effort in developing a dominating country, the nation became divided as conflicts regarding the spread of slavery and the beginning of the Mexican war lead to disagreements and a lack of unity.…
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The idea of Manifest Destiny ran through American history since the 19th century. America began to expand through the continent, because it was their destiny to expand. America wanted to become bigger and greater. Manifest Destiny not only included the idea of being destined to expand America, but it also included the idea of expanding America for economic opportunity and for the progress of Liberty. America went straight for Manifest Destiny to better its economy and strength. Imperialism degrades other nations making them oppressed by their ruling countries, however the United States did try to expand their colony into the pacific ocean for the ideology of Manifest Destiny by having people from America going to other countries, building canals in other provinces and creating companies in China to expand the American economy.…
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Was Manifest Destiny justified? Historians have argued for years if all the suffering caused by Manifest Destiny worth the reward.This event helped shape United States to what it is today, it couldn’t be that bad could it The idea of Manifest Destiny is that God intended Americans to live and inherit the continent’s lands, people and resources to spread the ideas of freedom and democracy (Mountjoy). The original idea, to spread democracy and freedom to the rest of the continent was not inherently evil, but the way it has been interpreted throughout history has been nefarious. Even though Manifest Destiny made the United States what it is today, it is unjustified because it is egotistical, self contradictory, and xenophobic exemplified through by The Trail…
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During the mid 1800s the United States had one main goal, that goal is commonly referred to as Manifest Destiny. This means that the United states wanted to stretch from ocean to ocean. With this goal came to inventions like the telegraph and the railroad, and with these inventions came the Westward Expansion. Although Manifest Destiny benefited the United States, it harmed the Native Americans. Due to Manifest Destiny and the Westward expansion, the Native Americans were stripped of their land and culture.…
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Although the North demanded return of all Oregon territory up to the 54 ̊40’, Polk had no intention of fighting for this territory. Instead he purposed the compromise line of 49̊ to London, which was accepted by the British to avoid a war. The compromise enraged Northern supporters of Manifest Destiny and persuaded many to joining the Abolitionist movement. The supporters thought it unfair that all of Texas was annexed but only part of Oregon. This antislavery movement building in the North exploded after the talk of seizing California from…
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It was the destiny of America, to spread across the continent from one ocean to another and this belief is know as Manifest Destiny.…
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In 1818 America and Great Britain edited a treaty that was made in 1812. The treaty made in 1812, Treaty of Ghent, had settled the war in 1812. This treaty had to do with the territory of present day Minnesota and North Dakota. When they edited the treaty in 1814 it was decided that the United States and Britain would share the Oregon Territory (The). This change lasted until 1846. The Oregon territory became the northern border of the famous Louisiana purchase. This territory was also referred to as the Red River Basin.…
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The Philosophy that created a Nation Manifest destiny was the Philosophy that created a nation, not only was the philosophy right but it made our nation what it thrives to be and what it continues to grow as. The 19th-Century doctrine or belief that the expansion of the U.S. throughout the American continents. It was a mission in the 1840’s destined by God to spread beliefs throughout the country. The united states not only could, but was compelled to span from coast to coast.…
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According to John O’Sullivan, an editor of United States Magazine and Democratic Review, Manifest Destiny means that “that our country is destined to be the great nation of futurity.” What does Manifest Destiny mean? American leaders in the nineteenth century believed that it was America’s destiny to expand the nation’s civilization and spread the idea of democracy across the continent. The United States was growing in numbers and economically as a nation.…
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Manifest Destiny is a word that entered American’s vocabulary in 1845, which means the westward expansion of the United States. This word was first discussed in an editorial published in an issue of the Democratic Review “Manifest Destiny.”. The democrats played a major role in the westward expansion as they believed it was their right to do so. Manifest Destiny would lead to groups losing some of their cultural customs and some being viewed as inferior.…
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For a quarter century after the war of 1812, only a few Americans explored the West. Then in the 1840’s, expansion fewer gripped the country. Many Americans began to believe that their movement westward was predestined by God. Manifest Destiny expressed the belief that the U.S was ordained to expand to the Pacific Ocean and into Mexican and Native American territory.…
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The meaning of the Manifest Destiny to me contains a message such as that one group makes the rules while the other group has to obey the rules. The Europeans just took over without consideration of the indigenous people. In general, to me, the Manifest Destiny was a difficult concept to comprehend until now. My teacher in high school taught me that the westward expansion had to do with freedom. However, my understanding of the Manifest Destiny has completely altered from a story of an adventure to a story of…
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Manifest Destiny was a big plus to those who had very little, or nothing at all and sought to begin a new life. It was a movement to the west where there was more land. Manifest destiny played a big role in which it affected the domestic and foreign policies of the nation, which brought many negativity and a few positive things.…
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