1.) Stability. A child raised by the same two parents during their maturing years is more likely to have emotional bonding and relationship stability. Children raised by a single parent will likely have a sense of loss for the missing parent and lack the advantage of duel insights, emotional support and examples that come from having both a mother and a father.
2.) Legacy. A nuclear family of a husband and wife provides a life long consistancy of purpose and usually includes a much larger extended family that a child can use for positive examples: Grandparents, Uncles and Aunts, Cousins. The children can feel a part of a larger whole, especially when included in traditional gatherings that include all of the above. Even without the living presence of Grandparents, children will learn from stories of the past which can provide guidance to their present, or add a sense of cause and effect with which to view their parent’s behaviors and inclinations and learn of a source of their own physical inheritance, such as hair color or height.
3.) Moral coding. A child gets a better sense with both a mother and a father of what is acceptable behavior and what is not, especially when both parents are involved in the nurturing of the child. Agreement adds authority to prinicples.
4.) Skill building. When a child is a member of a nuclear family, the child will often receive more extensive life skills training as a result. For example, a mother is more likely to teach relationship skills, such as how to get along with others and emotional response skills while a father is more likely to challenge a child to develop sports or handiwork skills, such as how to hit a baseball or how to fix things, and how to relate to the outside world such as employment skills or driving skills.
5.) Shared Responsibility. Having two parents allows for a more balanced load of nurturing the children, sometimes giving one parent time to observe other