Executive Summary 2
1.0 Introduction 3
2.0 ‘One of the aims of HRM is to give an organisation a competitive edge.’ 5 2.1. Strategy Implementation Error! Bookmark not defined. 2.2 Respond to Change 6 2.2.1 Recruitment and selection 6 2.2.2 Key factors for successful recruitment 7 2.2.3 Problem faced in during recruitment process 7 2.2.4 Evaluation of recruitment method 7 2.3 Motivating Employees 8 2.3.1 Motivating techniques 8
3.0 Conclusion 11
4.0 References 12
Executive Summary
Today, the business world becomes more global, uncertainty, and competition. In the past, the importance of human resources management may ignore during the competition. But in the present competitive environment, more fact show the human resource can be the innovator to strategies to improve job performance and give organization a competitive edge. As the market become more global that managing people also becomes more challenging and the managing people effectively become more importance. There are many organization devoting more time, attention, and resources to have a competitive edge. The companies who stand in the high level human resources management performance have more effective in the competitive environment. Human resources will be helping the organization make a significant impact on the primary sources of competitive advantage in today's marketplace.
1. Introduction
In the real business world, no matter where we go, no matter what kind of companies and organisations, they all can not survive without strategy, structure, and HR practise. These three elements must be maintained on a high degree of consistency to achieve the company vision in the real business world.
Firstly about the strategy about the organisation, there are four critical points to establish the strategy before the business operating. The first key is vision, mission and competitive advantage, which describe the business a company is
References: 2. Alberto Bayo-Moriones and Javier Merino-Díaz de Cerio (2002). Human Resource Management,Strategy and Operational Performance in the Spanish Manufacturing Industry, M@n@gement, 5(3): 175-199. 3. Civil Service Branch (1995), HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, Executive Roundtable Series March 1, 2005, Thought Leadership Summit on Digital Strategies, Gaining Competitive Advantage through Human Resources Management, 5. Irwin, R. 2003, Study Guide: Staff Selection and Appraisal, Southern Cross University, Lismore. 6. Michael Armstrong(2006), HUMANRESOURCE MANAGEMENT PRACTICE(10th E.d), Philadelphia, USA 7 8. Storey, J. (1992) Developments in the Management of Human Resources, London: Blackwell. Pp 219-220 9 10. Thomas F. Cummings & Steven Marcus (1994), Human Resources: Key to Competitive Advantage, Cornell University ILR School