In the first place, our ancestors have passed through those situations, they know how was it to take the right way. Not to mention they always know if they have taken the wrong way. Therefore, we have to learn from their mistakes, because if we don't think like that. …show more content…
These are just a few examples that I have form the alchemist which it references that the story is a life lesson that was passed down by their ancestors. These story had good lessons that we can all learned something from it even though it's meant more children it touch that no matter what the situation is that as long as you keep trying and keep a positive you can achieve your goals which i think all kids should know that even though life is hard you can always pick yourself up and keep trying and be somebody in life, always try your best so you can prove all the people that said you wouldn't be anything in life just spending your life working in the dairy or fidles no matter what you are always going to be someone and have a family that's going to be there when you most need it. Even though I thought the ending wasn't good because he didn't really have to do everything he went through because the truckers were under his feet the whole time so kind of