The Alliance
In the present day globalization is ruling the world, where certain concepts and ideologies are dominate and it can be claimed that popular culture and consumer culture are the roots of it, as they both promulgate similar ideologies and products that contribute to forming a globalized world. Consumer culture can be defined as "a culture in which the majority of consumers avidly desire (and some noticeable portion pursue, acquire and display) goods and services that are valued for non-utilitarian reasons, such as status seeking, envy provocation, and novelty seeking" (Belk, Russell
W. 1982). The functions of consumer culture can be witnessed in the daily life in advertisements, people 's choices, judgments and practices. To give more insight on the subject summaries of relevant text shall be provided.
In "Consumption, Capitalism, and Culture" the writer Horowitz reviews another text "Captains of Consciousness" and argues that the write has fail to prove his point, which is the huge impact of consumer culture on society, because of lack of empirical evidence .
In the text entitled "Consumer Culture and Modernity" the writer argues and discusses the relation between consumer culture and modernity and how the concept of modernity contributed to consumer culture and he also mentions the effects and the functions of consumer culture.
In the text entitled "Do My Nike 's Make Me a Bad Guy" the writer questions whether buying production from major corporations such as Nike, which are known for bad labor conditions, make 's a him a bad person or not and concludes that it does not for the reason that confronting such corporates require an immense amount of money. After having read some brief insight about the topic it is easy to conceive the argument that states that popular culture serves consumer culture for the reason that they share the same criteria as they homogenize
References: CONSUMPTION, CAPITALISM, AND CULTURE Horowitz, D. (1978). Consumption, capitalism, and culture. Reviews in American History. 389-393. CONSUMER CULTURE AND MODERNITY Slater, D. (1997). Consumer culture & modernity. Cornwall: Polity Press. DO MY NIKE’S MAKE ME A BAD GUY? Do my Nike 's make me a bad guy? (2001, July 9). Retrieved August 2, 2007,