The American Dream is a subject that has been heavily debated on for years by many different people; some say it exists, while others say that it is simply a myth. Regardless of those opinions, most Americans still feel that the Dream is alive, out there just waiting for them to reach. They are all willing to work equally as hard, they are all willing to just about whatever it takes and they are all as ambitious as the next. Every person is different, with different backgrounds and different opportunities readily available to them. Each has their own idea of what exactly the Dream is, but many agree that the main entity people are after is financial success and stability. If the American Dream equals financial success as the result of hard work, then anecdotal evidence suggests the American Dream exists and is achievable by all; however, statistical data suggests that if individuals don’t begin their quest for the Dream with the same, equal opportunities, the Dream may be …show more content…
Therefore, the American Dream is only possible for those who are blessed with the right opportunities. If the idea that the Dream is only possible for a select few with good fortuities is not accepted, it can very well have dire consequences for everyone. The American Dream is unique in that it clearly and accurately portrays the American sprit by instilling hope and faith in the people that they can, in fact, achieve something better despite the poor hand they were given in life, that they are truly in control of the direction their lives are headed. While it is a nice notion to state and easy to believe, the fact is most people will Gonzalez