Stabilization for hand use
Lifting and pushing
Eleation of the body
Forced inspiration and expiration
WB in crutch-walking/ handtands
* Composed of 20 muscles, 3 bony articulations & 3 ST moving surfaces (functional joints that permit GREATEST MOBILITY of any joint area found in the body (approx. 180 FL/ABD/ROT & 60 HyperEx) * Extensive mobility is provided by 6 moving areas: 1. Bony Articulations a. Sternoclavicular b. Acromioclavicular c. Glenohumeral 2. Functional Joints d. Scapulothoracic e. Suprahumeral/ Subacromial f. Bicipital Groove
Bone | STERNUM | CLAVICLE | SCAPULA | HUMERUS (Proximal-to-mid-humerus) | Bony Landmarks | 1. Jugular Notch 2. Clavicular Notch 3. Notch for 1st costal cartilage 4. Manubrium 5. Sternal angle and manubriosternal joint 6. Body 7. Notch for 2nd costal cartilage 8. Notch for 3rd costal cartilage 9. Notch for 4th costal cartilage 10. Notch for 5th costal cartilage 11. Notch for 6th costal cartilage 12. Notch for 7th costal cartilage 13. Xiphisternal joint 14. Xiphoid process | 1. Acromial end of clavicle (Lateral) 2. Sternal end of clavicle (Medial) 3. Shaft of clavicle 4. Impression for costoclavicular ligament 5. Groove for subclavius muscle 6. Conoid tubercle 7. Costal Tuberosity 8. Trapezoid line | 1. Coracoid process 2. Suprascaular Notch 3.