The poem 's fusion of Christian and pagan ideals is a reflection of the time in which it was written. It was "a period in which the virtues of the heathen 'Heroic Age ' were tempered by the gentleness of the new belief; an age warlike, yet Christian. As a good Christian, the poet found himself faced with the task of treating this origanally pagan material in a manner acceptable to a Christian audience" (Brodeur, 183)(Brodeur 219). The poem is "a Christian perception of the insane futility of the primitive Germanic thirst for vengeance; and the facts that Beowulf 's chief adversaries are not men but monsters and that ... [the] king of the Geats did not seek wars with their neighboring tribes may reflect a Christian appreciation for peace among humans" (22). It was also a period in which people such as "Hrothgar and his Danes...were punished for their idolatry" (Brodeur 207).
Yet it is the the Christian and pagan version of comitatus that lead Beowulf to avenge Aushere 's death. Comitatus is an agreement of loyalty and protection that men have with their lord. But because of the time that poet makes Grendel into a Christian character. The last time the Grendel enters Heorot he is "wearing God 's anger" (36). Grendel represents something evil. The poet then combines the pagan idea of Ragnarok to further show to his Christian audience that Beowulf is fighting for God. Ragnorok is the end of the world and when all good warriors must fight for their god. Grendel "was at war with God" (37). The good warrior, "the great-hearted kinsman of Hygelac had him by the hand" (37). Grendel 's mother must "avenge the feud" (45). In other words, evil still lives. Therefore; Beowulf must make a boast (a pledge that sealed one 's fate) to end the war of
Cited: Buhres, Emil M. The Celtic world. New York: Mcgraw-Hill book company, 1979. Chin,Beverly Ann, etal eds. Literature the Reader 's Choice. New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2002. Daniel, Debbie. Christianity and Danish Paganism. Gradesaver. 1999-2008 GradeSaver LLC. 20 Jan 2002 Gerina. Wicca Craft. New York: Carol Publishing Group, 1991. Lawson, Rich. Christianity in Beowulf. Shadowed Realme. 2004-2008 Shadowed Realme. 31 Jan 2008 Publishing, Inc., 1997.