Warhol a member of the artworld, took an everyday product design and made it into art. It was not the creator of the design whom was the artist, it was Warhol. Warhol contextualized the Brillo design. Warhol consciously decided to turn something into art and considering his position, it was accepted by the artworld as art. Danto expands on this happenstance and the role of the IT in “The Artworld” by saying “It is the theory that takes it up into the world of art, and keeps it from collapsing into the real object that it is…” (Danto 581). Ultimately, Danto and Dickie show that for someone to be an artist they must first consciously decide to create art. Moreover, the art they create must follow the rules that Dickie provides. Although anyone has the ability to create, there is more to art than creation. After reading “The Artworld” and “What is Art? An Institutional Analysis”, the conclusion can be drawn that it is not possible for a conscious person to create art without them knowing it.