On other hand, the arguing side states that it’s just a hoax and that scientist are doing it just to create income. Also, this side thinks that climate change isn’t real and that is just a matter that Earth atmospheric conditions are always changing through time. This issue associates with the backfire effect and how one will use psychological mechanisms to assert that one’s opinion is right. The first mechanism is one’s rejection toward the topic. The person against climate change will deny every fact that is being thrown at them so their ego won’t be hurt if they are wrong. Next mechanism is projection. If the person who supports the idea of climate change can’t change opposite side’s view, that person will start insulting them. Insults like “you don’t care about the world, and only about your pride.” Finally, intellectualization is used in this controversy. The person against the belief climate change will avoid the emotional facts like and organisms like polar bears are dying more each year due to their ecosystem being damaged. Furthermore, the person will say that “if this is a serious topic why are you bringing pathos into
On other hand, the arguing side states that it’s just a hoax and that scientist are doing it just to create income. Also, this side thinks that climate change isn’t real and that is just a matter that Earth atmospheric conditions are always changing through time. This issue associates with the backfire effect and how one will use psychological mechanisms to assert that one’s opinion is right. The first mechanism is one’s rejection toward the topic. The person against climate change will deny every fact that is being thrown at them so their ego won’t be hurt if they are wrong. Next mechanism is projection. If the person who supports the idea of climate change can’t change opposite side’s view, that person will start insulting them. Insults like “you don’t care about the world, and only about your pride.” Finally, intellectualization is used in this controversy. The person against the belief climate change will avoid the emotional facts like and organisms like polar bears are dying more each year due to their ecosystem being damaged. Furthermore, the person will say that “if this is a serious topic why are you bringing pathos into