Abstract “The banking system of Ukraine”
Fulfilled by:
Shatkovska Z.O.BF-21g Checked by: Kolupaeva I.V
Kharkiv 2012
Plan 1. Introduction 2. The Structure of Banking System of Ukraine 3. Current trends and tendencies of Ukrainian banking system 4. Problems of Ukrainian banking system 5. Perspectives of Further Banking System Development 6. Conclusion 7. References
* * 1.Introduction
Banking system is the most important part of the financial system of Ukraine. It is often defined simply as an aggregate of banks functioning in the economy of the country. By such a definition the banking system represents a mechanistic combination of banks without beforehand defined goals, own specific traits and without carrying out of self-dependent aims. But it is false, because banking system is grounded on the concept, in the framework of which a certain place is envisaged for each type of banks. That is why the more appropriate and accurate definition of the banking system could be the following “legislatively defined, clearly structured and subordinated set of financial intermediaries carrying out banking activity on the constant professional basis and functionally integrated into the independent economic structure˝ .
The main aim of the individual banks is to obtain profit. Concerning banking system this aim is
References: 1. Analysis and forecasting of key indicators of the banking sector, http:// www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE49E2E720081018. 2. Analysis of the main indicators of the banking system. http://www.credit-rating.ua/ru/analytics/analytical-articles/12403/ 3. Annual Report of the National Bank of Ukraine for 2009, http://bank.gov.ua/Publication/an_rep/A_report_2009.pdf 4. Balance of Payments and External Debt of Ukraine / / The official site of the National Bank of Ukraine , http:// www.bank.gov.ua. 5. Decline in Transparency amid Financial Difficulties and Flawed Disclosure Infrastructure. Press releasehttp://www2.standardandpoors.com/spf/pdf/equity/press_release_Ukr_TD_Eng.pdf 6. Main indicators of Ukrainian bank activities, http://www.bank.gov.ua/Engl/Bank_supervision/dynamics_e.htm 7. The law of Ukraine about National bank 8. http://www.bank.gov.ua/B_zakon/law_NBU.pdf