In partial fulfillment of the Requirement in English 122- Language Research
December 20, 2013
A. Background of the Study
Schools have committed a wide array of resources to build the early literacy skills that are essential to academic success for students. Ideally, a student should have mastered basic reading skills, such as decoding and word recognition, by the end of the third grade. However, as Kennedy Manzo asserts, the mastery of these basic reading skills does not necessarily guarantee that the student is prepared to undertake the increasingly challenging reading tasks that surface in the years. We, the researchers recognize the challenges faced by sixth grade teachers as they strive to support and prepare their students for the increasingly complex reading tasks that lie before them. The focus of reading instruction shifts in the sixth grade in accordance with a shift in the basic purpose of reading. Students are no longer reading for the primary purpose of learning how to read. They are now reading for the acquisition of knowledge.
The purpose of this research is to present research findings and instructional practices that address the issue of improving reading achievement in sixth grades. The reading skills of each student must be accurately assessed. Instruction must then be delivered at the student's instructional level. The gaps in a student's basic reading skills must be filled through focused reading intervention before the student can implement the higher level reading required in sixth grades.
B. Statement of the Problem
Basic reading skills include language, concentration, visual processing skills, auditory processing skills—which is important for developing phonemic awareness—memory and reasoning. Each of these skills needs to be practiced and applied in order for a person to become a proficient reader. These