Through the use of progress monitoring schools are continuously assessing students for understanding, and one of the more common methods is through the use of Response to Intervention, RtI. “Models of response to intervention (RtI) are being widely implemented in schools across the country in order to increase effective teaching and remove barriers to student learning.” (Mundschenk & Fuchs, 2016, p. 55-64). Response to Intervention is a multi-tiered process that enables schools to identify any students’ with learning difficulties, and sometimes behavioral needs, early on. The RtI process is broken up into three tiers and each tier provides students with research based practices to increase their level of academic …show more content…
In accordance with Mundschenk and Fuchs, the implementation of RtI is better facilitated when teachers and staff see themselves as a professional learning community. (Mundschenk & Fuchs, 2016, p. 55-64). Studies even indicate that through the use of a professional learning community the implementation RtI has had an 77% increase in effectiveness across all margins.(Mundschenk & Fuchs, 2016, p. 55-64). On the contrary, other research have concluded that teachers who have not received proper training on how to employ RtI strategies may not be as effective as their trained counterparts. (Hurlbut, A. R., & Tunks, J,