‘a young lady of distinguished birth, wit, and spirit [who is] a stranger to the world, and consequentlt to the dangers of it’. Eighteenth-century amatory fiction generally revolved around scanda woman of innocence being hoodwinked by a lustful man, however Fantomina depicts a female character of curiosity who challenges and defies the status quo, intensifying and defining the Battle of the Sexes.
Characteristics and social status quo
The social order of the eighteenth-century determined that women to fill the role of either ‘chaste maiden [or] obedient wife’. Women were expected to repress the ‘inclination to sexuality and disobedience’. Despite these socially accepted positions of virgin, maiden or loyal wife, lower ranking women were as liberal objects to be abused without repercussions. were to seek singularity while men, multiplicity. While women desired constancy and loyalty from one man, men prized liberty, sexual freedom and acted under their urges, be they spontaneous or not. For both sides, however, the leading motivation remained the conquest for possession, the male desire being to posses while avoiding possession. Dominant ideologies …show more content…
– value in virginity (untangable)
Despite the protagonist’s challenges and newly found sexual liberation, she must proceed with a disguised identity in order to maintain her reputation and appear as an exotic novelty for Beauplaisir. The concept of her virginity being in tack is the factor that determines her as desirable and of value to Beauplaisir. In the words of Thompson, ‘’desirability remains contingent upon her virginity’. Under the persona of Incognita she incests that he ‘must not take it ill that [she] conceal[s]’ her name and the ‘sight of [her] face’.