Some people have argued that these people, known as bilinguals, are tainting their respective cultures by learning a different language and learning other cultures. As a result, these bilinguals end up being discriminated in their own native country. They become emotionally separated from their countrymen who can only speak their native tongue, creating a rift in their community. Many other issues similar to this have sprouted over the years. It is because they do not understand what it means to be bilingual and the benefits which they may receive upon acquiring a second language (L2). As the issues pertaining to bilingualism increase, it is necessary for everyone to know the tremendous benefits of becoming bilingual.
“Bilingualism is the ability to speak and use two languages.” (Saunders, 1988; Hyltenstam & Obler, 1989). It also refers to the use of two or more languages in teaching, especially when one wishes to encourage learning in pupils who are trying to learn a new language. This is especially true with learning Asian or European languages, which are extremely difficult to learn. Becoming bilingual has never been considered significant in the past, most everyone thought that it was best to leave each to his own. But eventually, people, layman and educators alike, have found out and proven that this view is wrong.
Bilingualism can be classified into three types. One is simultaneous bilingualism. To be a simultaneous bilingual is for an infant to learn two or more languages at the same time as its first language (L1). This type of bilingual can be divided into two groups: Those from majority ethnolinguistic communities and those from minority ethnolinguistic
References: Alvarez, G. M. L. (n.d.). A child 's journey to bilingualism simultaneous dual language development. Multilingual Living Magazine. American Council on Education, The. (2002 ). Beyond September 11: A comprehensive national policy on international education Answers. (2007). Bilingualism. Retrieved February 21, 2007, from: Hyltenstam, K. and Obler, L.K., ed., (1989). Bilingualism Across the Lifespan: Aspects of Acquisition, Maturity, and Loss. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, England, 1989. Mora, J.K. (2006-a). A road map to the bilingual education controversy. Retrieved February 21, 2007, from San Diego State University web site: Mora, J. K. (2006-b). Debunking English-only ideology: bilingual educators are not the enemy. Retrieved February 21, 2007, from San Diego State University web site: Saunders, G. (1988). Bilingual Children: Guidance for the Family, Multilingual Matters, Clevedon, England, 1988.