
The Bluest Eye Toni Morrison

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Infancy is the most important and sensitive time of a person’s life. For the duration of this time we form connections with our parents/caregiver; this bond that we create affects who we grow into later in life. In The Bluest Eye Toni Morrison presented a Character named Pecola. Pecola was raised by neglectful parents. They paid little to no attention to her nor did they show her any love/affection. They fought all the time in front of Pecola and never stopped to think of how such violence affected her. Pecola fought with self-hatred. She didn’t like who she was. She became a victim of the white standard of beauty. This caused her to have very low self-esteem. How could she love who she was when her parents didn’t even love her enough to acknowledge …show more content…

This type of parenting tactic affect children’s in the worst way. Children who tend to have a home full of neglect incline to be insecurely attached, to have uneasy peer relationships, educational complications, and aggression/behavioral problems. A child experiences loneliness because their parents don’t provide them with the essential love that’s needed. According to Mathew J. Miller, who is a psychologist agrees that due these problem children develop a problem when it comes to socializing. In the article “Neglectful Parenting: The Impact on Children” Miller States, “Because they do not receive the necessary love from their parents, they often struggle to develop appropriate social skills with others[…] Healthy parents encourage their children to be involved in activities and friendships and give of their time so that the child can have these healthy experiences. With neglectful parents there are no sports teams or play dates. This leads to a lack of social development and isolation” (pg. 3). Another effect of being neglected is having a tough time when it comes to academics. Neglect parents leave their child’s education all up to the school system; they don’t get involved in any

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