The author would want the reader to come away with the ideas that people should do what they know is right, not what others think is right, and don’t be afraid to do the right thing. Liesel portrays these themes very well with her actions, feelings, and words. The Book Thief is a fantastic book that everyone should read. The beginning starts a little slow, but if you make it through the first part, it is a fast paced and suspenseful story perfectly blended with history and many themes for the reader to take away. Markus Zusak’s incredible figurative language and his creative use of Death as the narrator make this story a classic. Everyone should read it, not only for enjoyment, but for the lessons that can be learned from
The author would want the reader to come away with the ideas that people should do what they know is right, not what others think is right, and don’t be afraid to do the right thing. Liesel portrays these themes very well with her actions, feelings, and words. The Book Thief is a fantastic book that everyone should read. The beginning starts a little slow, but if you make it through the first part, it is a fast paced and suspenseful story perfectly blended with history and many themes for the reader to take away. Markus Zusak’s incredible figurative language and his creative use of Death as the narrator make this story a classic. Everyone should read it, not only for enjoyment, but for the lessons that can be learned from