Course Number and Title: Academic English 2
Submitted To: Professor’s name: Kate de Vega
Submitted By: Student’s Name: Jacques Jeune Student’s Email Address:
Date of Submission: 12/12/2012
Title of Assignment: APA
CERTIFICATION OF AUTHORSHIP: I certify that I am the author of this paper. This paper was prepared by me specifically for this course. I have also cited any sources from which I used data, ideas, or words, either quoted directly or paraphrased. I have added quotes whenever I used three or more consecutive words from another writer. I further understand that Academic Dishonesty includes, but is not limited to: cheating, plagiarism, fabrication and/or resubmission of work that was developed in total or partial as a response to the assignment of another professor in all or part.
Student’s Signature ___________________________
All About Me
Jacques Jeune
Palm Beach Atlantic University
ORM 1003 Q01
Professor Kate De Vega
October 14, 2012
Clarke, John Henrik. (1966).’’ The boy who painted the Christ black’’.American Negro Short Stories. Ed. John Henrik Clarke. New york: Hill And Wang 1966. 108-114.
The bible never mentioned no description of the physical apparence of Jesus. That’s why every nation painted Jesus their own way, because the bible did not cite any detail about his color or race, and ‘’the boy painted Jesus black’’. Was he wrong? Who knows. The world has a perception of a white Christ. It is inconceivable to some people that He can be black. The story was about a young boy name Aaron who painted Christ black. The story was also about prejudice in America in the 1940’s. it was also about the role of religion in people’s life, how they pictured their spiritual leader. Aaron teacher always pronounced his name with enthousiasm, because he was the best student in the class. The teacher even said “ If he were white he might, some day,