Bull Moose Party: The Progressive Party was an American political event created by Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt, former President. This party began in 1912 and ended in 1916. This event was named Bull Moose Party after Theodore said “I feel like a bull moose”, a little while after the party was made.
Campaign: An event organized to help succeed certain goals. Roosevelt had campaigns to help people vote for him. Which, …show more content…
“No one but the President,” he said, “seems to be expected … to look out for the general interests of the country.” He matured a program of progressive reform and asserted international leadership in building a new world order. In 1917 he proclaimed American entrance into World War I a change to make the world “safe for democracy.”
J.P. Morgan: Full name is John Pierpont Morgan. When Theodore Roosevelt became president, people had arguments of who was the most powerful man of the United States. So, J.P. Morgan and Roosevelt went against each other. This case went to the Supreme Court. Roosevelt gained a reputation as a trust buster but he was actually a trust regulator.
The Jungle: “The Jungle” is a 1906 novel written by Upton Sinclair, the American journalist and novelist. This book is about poverty, the lack of social supports, hard, unattractive living and working circumstances.
Kaiser Wilhelm II: Former German Emperor and King of Prussia. Got offered a task with the current Iraq situation including President Teddy Roosevelt and Kaiser Wilhelm II of …show more content…
One of his unending masterpieces was the Monroe Doctrine., which became a bigger belief of U.S. Foreign program in the Western Hemisphere.
National Park Service: Eric Hobsbawm strongly described the English industrial history: “Whoever says Industrial Revolution says cotton.” Swiftly industrialization changed the lives of English men and women after 1750, and changes in cotton textiles were at the character of this process.
Organized Labor: During the Second Industrial Revolution (in America), the workers needed help. Modern labor laws like safety regulations, minimum wages and working hours did not exist at the national level, and a lot of state and local protections were closed down by the Supreme Court.
Political Cartoons:
Political Machine: A political machine is a potical organization in which an accurate boss or a group decides the support of a variety of supporters and businesses (Example: Campaign workers), who receive rewards for their