The modern cash register or till is made up of 4-5 parts.
A cash drawer: Is usually located under the register and holds cash and receipts from transactions.
A manual input: A keyboard with the regular qwerty or a custom input pad and a number pad to manually enter barcodes.
A scanner: A scanner can be handheld or stationary and is used to scan barcodes which are then added to your bill.
A display screen: The screen shows you all the items that you have scanned and their prices, which will be totalled at the end of the transaction. It displays the total of the products and the change to be given after completion.
A receipt printer: The printer prints out the customers receipt at the end of the transaction showing them the purchased items and their individual prices as well as the total.
The cash register is used in places of trade like a shop or a restaurant. Before the modern till, there was just a drawer in which the money was kept. There was an increased chance of robberies from outsiders and the cashiers themselves as there wasn't a way to keep track of the money if it wasn't written down. The purchases were written down in a log book and totalled up manually. But now, everything is automated. All the cashier has to do is scan the items and press enter after he/she has scanned everything. There is a minimal chance of a grab and run robbery and any missing money will be noticed or not noticed rather, in the mainframe. The new system did not really create any new job opportunities but required less skilled and retrained employees as the electronic till was a massive leap from the older version.
The modern till, saves a lot of time at the checkout. All the cashier has to do is scan the item and collect the money. Whereas before the registers were used, the cashiers would have to write down every purchase, add it all up and work out how much change is to be given, which was a time consuming process.
The first cash register