A franking machine is used to put postage on to an envelope. A fax machine is used to send copy invoices across to customers as well as customers sending us across order numbers. It is also used to send across statements to customers for payment. Our printer has 3 different features; it copies, scans and prints in black and white or colour. The franking machine’s features are to stamp envelopes and it is also used to weigh small parcels to see how much postage will cost. Different types of equipment are chosen for different tasks because each type of equipment does a specific job. For example, if you need to scan a letter on to the computer you would use the printer because it has a built in scanner.
The purpose of following instructions when using equipment is, to maximise the best use of equipment and to prevent any errors or loss and also so that you don’t damage/break the machine by doing something incorrectly. Also so that you’re able to use it as each piece of equipment works differently. The purpose of following organisational instructions when using the equipment is to follow health and safety rules and to keep equipment in a safe manner. Also following instructions when using equipment can maximise my work time. Health and safety procedures when using equipment is any electrical items to be kept away from liquids and ensure there kept in the correct place away from damp. The purpose of following health and safety procedures when using equipment is to guarantee the safe operation of all equipment which may or may not be a hazard. The purpose of keeping equipment clean and hygienic is to stop the spreading of germs and infections around the office.
An example of waste when using equipment is when printing and you realise there is a mistake on the print; you would be wasting print, ink and electricity. A way to reduce this would be to print preview everything and ensure there are no errors before printing. The purpose of minimising