Considering that he is the only source that we have, we must suppose he is being unreliable. To justify his actions through his words. Montresor was dedicated to his own point of view, which is cruel, vicious, shrewd, and bitter. Montresor doesn’t mind telling us about his torture and murder of Fortunato he thinks what he did was the right way to handle the situation.…
To start with, Montresor had two rules on how to get the perfect revenge. Montresor says that, "I must not only punish, but punish with impunity," and to let Fortunado know why he was getting revenge (228). While Montresor was trying to get revenge, he could not get caugh by anyone. He did not want people to be suspicious about what he was doing. So Montresor planned it out so well that he would be able to get away with it. For Montresor's second rule he was suppose to let Fortunado know why he was getting revenge. To Understand each rule and know why Montresor did not get a perfect revenge the reader will have to keep reading.…
In “The Cask of Amontillado,” Poe engages the reader by using point of view to emphasize the untrustworthiness of Montresor's, the narrator’s, character. For example, when Montresor had described how Fortunato had inflicted him with “[a] thousand injuries” and “ventured upon insult”, “[Montresor] vowed revenge” (1). This is the moment when the reader first experiences his unreliability as a narrator. Montresor had never specified the copious wounds that he had supposedly suffered from Fortunato and the severity of his offense. Furthermore, when Montresor had voiced out that Fortunato had ventured, in order words proceed with knowledge of risks, he had let bias trickle into his words. Us, the readers do not know whether or not Fortunato had intentionally insulted Montresor with malicious intentions, but in Montresor’s phrasing of words, it implies that he did indeed intended to do so. This not only makes the reader question the extent of exaggeration that Montresor inserts into his statements, but the reliability of the narrator as the story progresses. In addition, after Montresor had successfully, albeit reluctantly, finishes burying Fortunato in the alcove, he remarks: “My heart grew sick—on account of the dampness of the catacombs” (9). Here, one can see that Montresor had almost a moment in which he had felt guilt, yet had been quick to disregard it to the scenery. The dash indicated that Montresor added the latter portion onto his thoughts as more of an afterthought, rather than a…
The narrator is telling this story many years after the actual murder of Fortunato. Poe does not give any explanation on why Montresor postponed sharing the story. One theory is that Montresor realized he killed Fortunato in vain. This implication…
“The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as best I could; but when he ventured upon, I vowed revenge.” Montresor has felt that he has been insulted by Fortunato and he seeks revenge upon him. Since Montresor is seeking revenge Fortunato has to watch out, but that may be hard because throughout the story Fortunato is gullible, full of pride, and is an alcoholic.…
The character of Montresor in, “The Cask of Amontillado” is one who can only be defined with words along the lines of evil, or wicked. He vows to avenge the bold and childish Fortunato, whom Montresor swears did him wrong. Montresor could be described with many bold words, one being guilty. Though he is guilty, he is determined not to get caught. For instance, Montresor declares, “I must not only punish, but punish with impunity” (Poe, 1). Essentially, he is saying he will seek revenge on Fortunato, but he will get away with the vicious crime. Another obvious character trait for the devious Montresor, is dishonest. He claims to have obtained a cask of Amontillado, when the reader can tell through situational irony this is not true. He claims, “...I have received a pipe of what passes for Amontillado, but I have my doubts” (Poe 1). Fortunato unknowingly follows the fiend, and in theory, seals his own fate. Montresor is also quite sneaky. He slyly gets Fortunato into a small inlet in his wine cellar-- also a home for skeletal remains. He hastily chains him up before the poor Fortunato can even realize what’s happening. Explaining the situation, Montresor says, “...finding his progress arrested by the rock, stood stupidly bewildered...a moment more and i fettered him to the granite” (Poe 4). Lastly, Montresor is just plain mysterious. Readers never know exactly why he decided to go after Fortunato, but it is hinted he offended the killer in some way. When asked about his coat of arms, Montresor blatantly states, “A human foot...the foot crushes a serpent rampant whose fangs are imbedded in the heel” (Poe 3). The motto underneath is “nemo me impune lacessit” (Poe 3). To conclude, Montresor plays not only a degrading character, but one of many…
in a certain way, fortunato may have deserved some type of punishment for the continuous insults that he heaped upon montresor. whether that is true or not, montresor saw it that way. becuase of the various breaches of etiquette performed by fortunato, along with montresors background, it is clear that montresor did not later disagree with his decision to kill fortunato. even though by many standards, he was in the wrong, montresor felt justified through himself and his family. because of this, he will never show remorse for his…
Still, it also is a complex situation open to individual interpretation. Montresor plan of murder is motivated by a number of insults which are never mention in the story. However, the constantly indication of his family to be involved on the conflict may well take the reader to believe on a possible payback for some past encounter between families of society and power. The narrator’s tone when describing Fortunato, is a held feeling of likely envy, “You are rich, respected, admired, beloved, you are happy, as once I was.” Montresor sees on Fortunato, what he proclaims had once and misses at the moment. Therefore, Montresor reliability is to be…
1. In the story, “The Cask of Amontillado”, Montresor justifies the cruel murder of Fortunato by stating the “thousand injuries” and an “insult” against him. Based off of the text I believe these to actually not be intentional harm by Fortunato. In fact, I believe them to be based off impunity, or exemption from punishment or freedom…
As punishment was not enforced at this time, it only shows how murder was involved. As it states that, “not only did Montresor feel no guilt, but he perceives his murder of Fortunato as a successful act of vengeance and punishment” (Baraban 49). Edgar Allan Poe…
"The Cask of Amontillado" is told in the first person by Montresor. In the opinion of John Gruesser, Montresor who " lies on his deathbed, confessing his crime to an old friend, the You' of the story's first paragraph" (129) is signifying his guilt fifty years after the murder. It does not appear that he is disclosing this sin to someone out of revel, but rather out of regret. It is highly unlikely that he is still experiencing the murderous level of hatred for a foe who is now just the pathetic skeletal remains of a man who met his demise on account of the drink he loved.…
As the story begins Montresor starts off by talking about how Fortunato is always insulting him. Through out…
In thesis four by Cohen, he says, “…the monster threatens to destroy…individual members of society” (12). In paragraph one of the story, Montresor talks about killing the individual, Fortunato. Cohen also states that “…the monster seeks out its author…to bear witness to the fact that it could have been constructed Otherwise” (12). This relates to the story because in paragraph one Montresor says, “The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult I vowed revenge.” From this sentence the reader understands that Fortunato had done many deeds that Montresor didn’t like and he dealt with it, but when Fortunato insulted him, he “vowed revenge.” If Fortunato had not insulted Montresor, he would not have gone out to seek revenge and kill…
1. Montresor admits that “The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as best I could; but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge,” was the reason that motivated him to commit that crime.…
Montresor’s family motto is “Nemo me impune lacessit,” which means no one strikes me with impunity. If we are going with the theory that Fortunato just insulted Montresor, he had to do something to prove to his family that he was loyal and worthy. Montresor was so angry that he chained his enemy to the wall in their cavern then boxed him in brick by brick until…