Topic: Existential Crisis
Thesis statement: Holden deals with his existential crisis by resorting to a constant seek of numbness, which can be easily identified with his tendency to fantasize about death, his rejection towards intimacy and sexuality, and his excessive drinking. I. Introduction
Topic Sentence: Holden the main character in the novel The Catcher in the Rye, after the death of his brother closes himself to the world. a. The dynamics of Holden’s existential crisis. b. Numbness as a response to social inadequacy. c. Holden’s personality.
Concluding sentence: Holden takes certain attitudes and acts on them trying to deal with his crisis, resorting to a constant seek of numbness, which can be easily identified with his tendency to fantasize about death, his rejection towards intimacy and sexuality, and his excessive drinking. II. Holden´s death fantasies.
Topic Sentence: Holden social inadequacy results in a lot of confusion, and stress in his life; therefore, he constantly has these fantasies in which he undergoes physical experiences that take him to meet his death. a. The Pneumonia fantasy. b. The Bullet fantasy. c. The death wish.
Concluding sentence: It is clear that his depression is so intense that daydreaming about being dead is much easier to Holden than to face his reality. III. Drinking as a cope out.
Topic Sentence: Whenever Holden is feeling really depressed and really sad, he tends to ask people for drinks. a. Inviting people to cocktails b. Meeting with random people
Concluding Sentence: Holden is just looking to feel nothing and alcohol creates that effect on him. IV. Rejection towards sexuality and intimacy.
Topic sentence: It is clear that Holden is a complete social outcast and inadequate, it is pretty obvious that he would have problem with intimacy and sexuality. a. The visit of the prostitute. b. The conversation with Carl Luce.
Concluding sentence: Typically