During the war, women’s roles changed significantly. Women took up labor jobs, learned to operate machinery, and created many volunteer organizations. With men away during wartime conditions, it was …show more content…
Posters encouraging women to join the workforce were established all throughout the United States. The “Rosie the Riveter” campaign was the most prominent. Images proclaiming “We Can Do It!” were everywhere. Rosie was a fictional character created by wartime agencies to encourage women. She was a symbol of female ingenuity, urging women to “leave the kitchen” and do the men’s work (Partners in Winning the War: American Women in WWII).
Women graciously complied. The ladies at home worked for factories building ships, munition, airplanes, fighter jets, and many of the other warfare goods. Women also worked as air-raid wardens, fire fighters and engine drivers, fire and evacuation officers, train conductors, and nurses. The female labor force grew by 6.5 million from 1940 to 1944. At the height of World War II, 19,170,000 women were employed. From the start of United States involvement until 1944, the women’s workforce jumped twenty percent (Partners in Winning the War: American Women in …show more content…
They offered aid to the military, by sending goods overseas. They also set up defense groups in preparation for anticipated air raids on the home front (By war’s end, the city grew to 100,000. Nearly one third were women).
Women did more than just hold down the fort at home. With the help of Eleanor Roosevelt and the induction of women into Britain’s armed forces, women also joined auxiliary groups like the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force and the Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps, as well at the Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service. While technically these women were civilians working with the army, it was a major step for women’s rights and involvement. The army opened up five training centers for women. Approximately 350000 women served in the armed forces at home and abroad (History.com, Staff 2010).
When the war ended and the men came back to the states, they expected to have their jobs back. In 1945, polls indicated that 61 to 85% of women wanted to keep their jobs after the war’s end. This was not the case for most women (Continued Employment after the War?: The Women’s Bureau Studies Postwar Plans of Women