This is an individual piece of work.
You are required to answer the following question:
Do agile software development frameworks adequately provide the tools to understand both the technical and cultural requirements of a system? Development frameworks provide tools for solving technical systems problems. It is still the case that information systems fail, often for human, rather than technical reasons.
Agile approaches to software development contain tools which they claim to help the developer to understand the information needs of users of the systems. For example, DSDM provides tools such as Timeboxing, Facilitated Workshops and MoSCoW
Using the attached case study, discuss how these tools can help
(or hinder) the developer in understanding the information needs of a system that is used by many “cultures” and many users who have different values and levels of trust.
In answering this question you should carry out the following activities:
a) Read the attached case study
b) Research the Agile tools of your choice and show how the tools can be applied using examples from the case study
c) From research, define what is meant by “culture”, “values” and “trust” in the context of developing information systems
d) Identify who the users of the system are from the given case study
e) Using examples from the case study, criticise the use of the DSDM tools from the perspective of the developer attempting to understand the different information needs of users in different cultures
You may consider the following points in forming your answer:
What are the problems or issues for the developer in identifying technical, information and cultural needs within an organisation?
Why is understanding the organisational culture important to understanding user needs?
Why does the developer need to take account of people’s values when considering a new system?
Why is the issue of trust important to the success of