Those choices that we make have a negative effect on other people; people are connected to others in many unique ways. We make choices without thinking too much of the consequences. By the time the full impact of our choice hits us in the future, it is too late for regrets. In the essay the dying girl that no one helped “by London wainwright explains how other people choices tend to effect other people’s lives even by losing their own lives. The choices that we make have an adverse effect on other people however it may not be intentional.
You never know what the next person is dealing with and how our choices can influence others decisions and charge their lives in different ways.
The choices that we make affect others people’s dreams that they have made for their future charging some one’s dream is a positive thing to someone even in the essay of the dying girl that no one helped it talks about how someone tend to make choice and that choice effects the girl who was killed and had dreams for her future then he died cause no one came for help to be saved from throwing her dreams away.
We are responsible for our choices ,and we have to accept the consequences of every deed