Discussions of workplace diversity predominantly encompass the topics of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and disability. Generational differences, although not always included in these debates, are also part of the diversity that characterizes the contemporary labor force.
For the first time in American history, we have four different generations working side-by-side in the work place. This study of the beliefs and values of the major generational groups and their attitudes to each other provides a thorough basis for understanding issues that are likely to arise in the workplace. It highlights the very different attitudes to work, life and the importance of life style between the generations, providing tools for dealing effectively with each generation and with the differences between them.
Concerned primarily in how these differences impact on today 's working life, but the sketches of each generation also provide insights into what may happen to work arrangements as different value systems become dominant. Growing up in a different era tends to make people see the world in a different way. Each generation has distinct priorities, attitudes, behaviors, expectations, habits and motivational keys. At the workplace, the classical rules about older workers being the bosses and younger workers doing what were asked, are no longer the same. Diverse value systems, conflicting work ethics and different styles to getting things done, can create tension and affect work dynamics in several ways.
In today 's work place, four generations leave their respective and largely differing home environments to go to work where the environment comprises a single organizational culture. Their collective birth dates span over sixty-five years. During their formative years, their experience with "leading edge technology" ranged from the introduction of black and white television to using hand-held computers nearly every
References: Generations At Work, Zemke, Raines, Filipczak, 2000 When Generations Collide, Lancaster and Stillman, 2002 Millennials Rising, Howe, Strauss, 2000 Geezers, grungers, gen-Xers and geeks-a look at workplace generational conflict, Tony Diromualdo, 8/14/06 The Fourth Turning, Strauss and Howe, 1997 How Veterans, Baby boomers, Generation Xers and Generation Nexters Can All Get Along in the Workplace, Zemke, Raines, Filipczak, 2006 Magazine 46 no. 4 (2001): 192; and R. Zemke, C. Raines and B. Filipczak, “Generations at Work: Managing the Clash of Veterans, Boomers, Xers, and Nexters in Your Workplace,” (New York: American Management Association, 2000). [2] B. Sago, “Uncommon Threads,” Business Credit 103, no. 6 (June 2001): 57-59; M. Kogan, “Bridging the Gap Across the Generation Divide in the Federal Workforce,” Government Executive 33, no York: HarperBusiness, 2002); B. Sago, “Uncommon Threads,” Business Credit 103, no. 6 (June 2001): 57-59; and R Clash of Veterans, Boomers, Xers, and Nexters in Your Workplace,” (New York: American Management Association, 2000). [3] N. Howe and W. Strauss, “Millennials Rising: The Next Generation” (New York: Vintage Books, 2000). Year of Employment,” Human Resource Development Quarterly 15, no. 1 (2004): 5-24. [6] Big Grab for the Graduates. (1955, May 14). Newsweek, p. 93-94. [7] W. Strauss and N. Howe, “Generations: The History of America 's Future 1584 to 2069,”(New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc.,1991). [8] Blessing and White, “Helping Others Succeed Program,” November 10, 2006, http://www.blessingwhite.com/capabilities.asp?pid=4 [10] J. R. Katzenbach and D. K. Smith, “The Wisdom of Teams” (New York: Harper Business,1993).