
The Common Stereotypes Of Gender Norms

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Patriarchy is a term most commonly referred to male dominance in society. It is the idea that women are oppressed and inferior to their male counterparts; patriarchal norms take place in all aspects of life. It affects our idea of beauty and it supports inequality. Unfortunately, it is perceived as an acceptable societal norm (because it surrounds our everyday life) and it maintains gender inequality today. Patriarchal norms feel ‘normal’ because it has been around for thousands of years; however, our generation can put a stop to patriarchal norms and obtain equality for all.

The idea of male supremacy dates far back into time, patriarchy divides men and women in the home, workplace, and society. The common stereotype of patriarchy
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I believe gender inequality stems from gender norms that surrounded us since birth. Granted our parents may or may have not heavily implied gender norms on us when we were born but, society has always placed gender norms onto us. We generally do not acknowledge gender norms because it is a norm to us. Even before we are born, gender norms were already implied on us; most parents paint their child’s room pink or blue depending on if the child will be female or male respectively. As innocent as it seems to pick a color for a nursery, it already establishes a ‘code’ that most children follow as they grow up (Serres). Pink is commonly associated with ‘girly’ things; headbands, makeup, jewelry, etc. While blue is associated with ‘boyish’ things such as; sports, cars, action figures etc. Even the most innocent things such as toys, television, and books establish gender roles in our childhood (Loeto). Dolls, ponies, and fairy tales are geared towards a female audience while action figures, action related shows, and horror stories are geared towards a male audience. Simple things that provide entertainment in our childhood unconsciously provide a template that most of us follow because we believe it is ‘normal’. Gender roles embedded at a young age define the way children view the world, it emphasises beauty for girls and independence for boys (Loeto). As innocent as it may seem, applying gender roles on …show more content…

It defines what beauty is by controlling the way women should look and feel in order to be accepted by society. By doing so, it allows women to alter themselves to feel approved from their male and female counterparts (Loeto). Being thin has been popular for the last couple of decades because, “thin people are considered to be the most sexually appealing to men.” (Leoto). This relates to women altering their bodies to feel desirable by men. The beauty standard established by societal norms is based around the idea of pleasing and catering to men’s sexual pleasures. Essentially it is a false reassurance from both parties to look and feel a certain way in order to ‘fit in’. Body image is a central role in our lives, that some people invest their time and money into the way people see them physically. It is idea that both men and women want to look their best but, women tend to spend more effort than men in their appearance (Leoto). In different societies there are different beauty standards, therefore; it is generally accepted that women should look a specific way to be considered beautiful and attractive in their society. Women who fail to live up to their society's beauty standards often feel dissatisfied and unattractive (Leoto). Some women go to the extreme and result to cosmetic surgery or eating disorders to achieve the ‘standard of

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