The Native Americans greatly showed the European settlers a different aspect of culture. While the Europeans were focused on acquiring material possessions and land, the Native Americans had a different perspective. "They are not delighted in baubles, but in useful things." (Page 6, Voices of Freedom) Thomas Morton spoke of the way of life for these people. Morton acknowledges that they do not go without the knowledge of God, but do not have law or a king. He …show more content…
Forced to work for the merchants, these Indians would stay away from their families for months at a time. The Indians were not paid near enough for their efforts. “The Indians were totally deprived of their freedom and were put in the harshest, fiercest, most horrible servitude and captivity which no one who has not seen it can understand.” (Page 9, Voices of Freedom) The newcomers forced the natives to work to increase their economic standing back home with absolutely no concern for the way it would affect the country they resided