The Controversy Of Expression Of Images In Baroque Art
New sects i.e the Calvinists thought that churches and church services should be simple and plain affairs. However the Council argued that a God of greatness should be worshiped with the kinds of ceremonies, rituals, and churches with these great qualities. This affirmation of the beauty and grandeur of expressions of faith discovered its path into Baroque art. Images are very straight forward, dramatic, plain but the art also attempts to draw the viewer to participate in the scenario. The art has a sense of physical, psychological and emotional intensity. In the art there is sensational contrasts between light and dark but also the light and the shadows. Whereas in the Renaissance art it clearly has defined figures with each isolated from
different figures. Baroque art however has figures and elements over lapping. Common themes in the Baroque art i.e. ecstasies, intense light, conversions, martyrdom, grandiose visions along with intense psychological attribites.