Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein, flies off the shelf as one of the most captivating works to ever be written. Told in first person narrative through letters by Robert walton. Shelley creates a riveting tale that shows what happens when Victor Frankenstein, a Mad scientist, takes on the quest to create life from death. Although a physical existence succeeded out of Victors mad scienstry, the creature he created lacked the most important parts of life. Hungry for understanding and love, the creature took it upon himself to gain the much needed emotion and intelligence.
As a living and breathing race, humans have not only discovered, but proven the science behind creating life. In a biological sense there are two ways life comes to existence. The first known to our planet comes from life itself. A-sexual reproduction; or the ability for a single organism to reproduce. This form of reproduction takes place in gymnosperms/angiosperms, aka plants. The other form of organism-creation is sexual reproduction. For sexual reproduction to occur, biology demands that there be two separate DNA chunks that come together and chemically unite creating the animal kingdom. Thank you meiosis. …show more content…
Overtaken by disgust Victor flees the university abandoning the very life he so diligently created. Left to fend for himself, the creature goes through a painful quest of learning basic self awareness. Without any knowledge of how the world works, the creature comes to understand basic concepts such as heat, cold, walking and hunger. His first encounters with people really sets the stage to as how he gets treated and how he treats those around him. Rather than welcoming him with open arms, the people run the creature out of the village, leaving him to truly feel like an unwanted monster. How was he suppose to know he looked so