Definition of manager.
An individual who is in charge of a certain group of task, or a certain subset of company. A manager often has a staff of people who report to him or her. Managers may direct workers directly or they may direct several supervisors who direct the workers. The manager must be familiar with the work of all the groups he/she supervises, but does not need to be the best in any or all of the areas. It is more important for the manager to know how to manage the workers than to know how to do their work well.
Team Coaching
Teams are the force that drives most organizations. Whether it's a functional team, a team of managers, or a project team, people get most done when they work together effectively.
So when members of a team don't work well together, performance and productivity can suffer. That's not good for anyone.
Hostility, conflicting goals, and unclear expectations within your teams. These are symptoms of an unhealthy team. To avoid these harmful effects managers need be proactive about improving team performance. And even when a team is meeting its objectives, there's often room for improvement.
Team coaching helps people understand how to work better with others. It's an effective method for showing teams how to reduce conflict and improve their working relationships. The teams can then focus on its real work, and achieve its objectives. To coach your team, focus on interpersonal skills and interactions instead of on individual development .The way people act with their teammates, and the way they Communicate with one another – these are important drivers of effective team performance. After all, you can put a lot of high-performing individuals on a team and still have performance problems.
People must learn to work together and understand how to relate to one another – otherwise the team's output will be less than it could be.
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