The Crucible: Act 2 Journal
Entry 1 Everyone at some point has been judged unfairly. In my case, being judged unfairly can happen because of a lack of trust or lack of understanding. A good example of this was during freshman year in geometry. After spending many hours at a friend’s house working on an extensive homework assignment, we learned the material and completed the assignment by working together. After we turned the homework in, the teacher immediately wrote us off claiming that we were cheaters. She sent emails to our parents to inform them that we were violators of the honor code. After reading the email, my mom flipped and proceeded to ground me and insult my “poor work ethic.” I was furious because I had done nothing
wrong and yet was being punished for something that I had done correctly. Neither my Mom nor my teacher had bothered to ask me about what happened, but rather just jumped to the conclusion that I had done something wrong. Though after a phone call from my friends Mom, the issue was cleared up and I was apologized to for being judged unfairly.
A good example of this in the Crucible is Elizabeth and John Proctors relationship. After hearing an allegation from Abigail that the dancing had nothing to do with witchcraft, John explains to Elizabeth that he cannot give proof of the testimony because he and Abigail were alone. After hearing that Abigail and John were alone together, Elizabeth looses trust in John and believes that he has been unfaithful to her. John becomes upset because of Elizabeth’s untrue accusation against him.