The ideal, eternal engine becomes short-lived, as the train explodes and brings down all the life within it as well. Only two young tail children, Yona and Timmy, survive and they are finally exposed to the supposedly deadly snow outside (Snowpiercer 2:00:19). Yet, the last image that the audience sees is the polar bear amongst the barren ice age, signifying that life persists and that Yona and Timmy may survive outside. Using this as a resolution to the failed Curtis Revolution is Joon-ho's way to show the decline of the system that keeps Snowpiercer running. As the train is burning in ruins, the appearance of the polar bear becomes a symbol of the triumph of nature over the engine and therefore the entire system it controlled. This reveals…
Darry is the one taking care of the two curtis brothers. After his parents died in a car crash, he took the responsibility of raising his two brothers, having two jobs, and his association in the greasers gang, which shows all the hard work he has been doing.…
Growing up the boys where privileged and lived the lives of the elite. Their father had become a high profile employee for RCA entertainments and through which his fame, money, and power skyrocketed. His controlling temper and endogenous attitude cost him thousands of dollars when it came to compensating for his children. Their mother was withdrawn; quiet and reserved. When Kitty came to realize her husband, since 19 years old, had been having an affair for the last 6 years of their marriage she broke apart. She became bitter and depressed; she also became 100% dependent on her husband leading her to neglect her two young boys.…
In foster care, they have better housing, so he can have a more stable place to live. Pony boy could have his own room by his self and have more self space without Soda pop being with him. Also, he would not have to worry with his brothers or the gang. It would be better if they were not there because they would not bother him when he is trying hard to get an education.…
Ponyboy should be in the system because he would have a better family. “Since Mom and Dad were killed in an auto wreck.” (pg.3) This quote shows that Ponyboy has no parents and needs one to comfort him.This quote also shows that Darry can’t give the…
Positive relationships with children and young people are important for the following reasons: When a child/young person feels comfortable and settled within their care setting they are more likely to engage and participate more with staff and other children within the group which creates a more relaxed atmosphere, it also makes the separation process easier for the parents/carers as well as the child /young person as it shows that the child/young person is emotionally secure, Building and maintaining positive relationships is also important as it contributes to the developmental needs of each individual child/young person personally, socially and emotionally which then enhances their language skills as they gain confidence talking to each other and staff.…
Good communication with the children will form trusting relationships and help them to settle in and to develop and to meet child’s individual needs.…
Families play a very big part of children's and young people's development, Family dynamics are also important in a childs life. Even how a close a family is can affect the a child's development. A close family, where relationships between the family members are good and strong can give a child the confidence they need to be able to make friends and work well in school. Being a part of a large family can cause sibling rivalry and jealousy with in a family unit. A child within a big family may feel left out and so they become more independent which is a good thing but it could make the child more vulnerable to the attention of undesirable adults or lead them astray into anti-social behaviour.…
The children and young people placed in care will experience many social changes in their lives and will need support to build self-esteem and confidence to fulfil their potential. Children and young people need strong attachments, consistency and trust; having someone they can trust will make transitions easier. Children and young people with positive relationships have the ability to cope better and be…
Another issue with taking Pony away is that the foster parents could be mean. If they are mean he may try to run away. If they are mean, they may abuse him. Abuse is worse than living with his brothers. Pony is old enough to decide whom he wants to live with. Would you want abusive parents? I think not. If his foster parents are abusive, it would just make the judge have to place him in a new foster home.…
They instantly go to Darry for all the assistance they needed. The evidences, “The gun’s’s fifty dollars” and “Hop the three-fifteen freight to Windrixville...there’s an old abandoned church on top of Jay Mountain. There’s a pump in back so don’t worry about the water. Buy a week’s supply of food as soon as you get there...” All of this show that Darry was extremely helpful when the two boys needed to run away from the crime because he provided them resources as well very descriptive instructions to survive and make their escape as successful as it can be. How this reveals the theme is that the three boys are just really close friends, but the help provided and trustworthiness that is present gives the reader an excellent understanding that friends can be like family because it certainly shows that no matter what actions are committed, good or bad, assistance and support will always be…
"Order in the court! Please come to the stands, and you may take your seats." Should Pony boy stay with his brothers or go to a foster home? Pony boy has been in the care of his brothers for the past few years because his mother and father died in a car accident. Pony boy should stay with his brothers because they can have more time together and make more memories with each other, also staying with his brother's will make it easier to see Dally, Steve, and Two-Bit.…
Though many foster parents are conscientious and caring, there are many who are not. Some are in it only for the money, although, others have good intentions and motives. A problem as well, is that many children in foster care are continually moved from home to home, thus establishing no real bond with their foster parents. Children, especially young children, require a stable environment. A foster parent is, in effect, a surrogate parent. And like other parents, foster mothers and fathers serve as role models for their children. A role model can be a positive influence, but depending on the role model he/she could be a negative influence.…
This provides stability and a sense of family ties that is not given by foster care. When a family is considering adopting a child, they take into account things like the age of the child and behavior. Infants and younger children are more likely to become adopted as opposed to a teenager just because the adoptive parent can raise the child as their own and if behavior issues occur, they know where they came from, whereas a teenager can be erratic and rebellious because they don’t want to listen to their adoptive parent. Also children with mental health diagnoses are less likely to be adopted because of the emotional and financial cost of supporting that child (Connell, Katz, Saunders, & Tebes, 2006; Zinn, 2009).…
In the novel "The Outsiders" by S.E.Hinton its about three brothers who live with each other Darry, Sodapop and Ponyboy with no parents because their parents passed away in an auto wreck. The town they live in is divided in two sections. The greasers and the socs. The socs are rich kids who have no worries. While the greasers don't have a lot of money and have reasons to worry. The socs and greasers are always in arguments. One day the greasers and socs fight until both took it too far.…