Often a single document defines and commemorates an event or a moment in time that is of importance. The Declaration of Independence is the principal document that defines and commemorates the birth of the United States and the independence of our nation. The Declaration of Independence defines the right of the people to defy the established order, to change their government, and to throw off an oppressor. [1] The Declaration of Independence expresses America's foundation and independence and the basic freedoms that this nation strives to embody, such as "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness". The important thing about the Declaration of Independence is not the document itself. It is the feeling and beliefs of a group of people that were speaking for a whole nation. The Declaration of Independence was written in 1776, but its message is timeless and still relevant today. The purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to declare and explain why the thirteen colonies were breaking away from Great Britain's control. The Declaration of Independence had a massive significance in political, social and financial issue.
The American Revolution was not a revolution in the sense of radical or total change. It did not suddenly and violently overturn the entire political and social framework, as later occurred in the French and Russian Revolutions. What happened was accelerated evolution rather than outright revolution. During the conflict itself, people went on working and praying, marrying and playing. Many of them were not seriously distributed by the actual fighting, and the most isolated communities scarcely knew that a war was on. Yet some striking changes were ushered in, affecting social customs, political institutions, and ideas about society, government, and even gender roles. The exodus of some eighty thousand substantial Loyalists robbed the new ship of state of conservative
References: [1]- The Declaration of Independence by Jennifer Viegas (A Primary Source Investigation into the Action of the Second Continental Congress) [2]- The Declaration of Independence- Origins and Impacts by Scott Douglas [3]- The American Pageant- Twelfth Edition By David M. Kennedy, Lizabeth Cohen, and Thomas A. Bailey