The Biblical Worldview begins with God and can be known through His creation of and revelation to humankind.(Weider & Gutierrez, 2011, p.69) This revelation of God can be described as general revelation or special revelation. General Revelation is known by humans by two methods. The two methods are natural and the creation of men and women in His image. (Weider & Gutierrez, 2011, p.70) General revelation is limited in its scope because of the fall; now humans are separated from God and were limited from their natural ability to know and have that relationship with God. Special revelation is when God makes known vital truths which cannot be known through general revelation. (Weider & Gutierrez, 2011, p. 72) Special revelation is where God reveals himself to us. An example of this is that He spoke to men in dreams and visions (Gen 20, 28). The most significant method of God’s special revelation to humanity is in the Incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ. (John 1:14). There are five questions that one must be able to answer to identify their worldview.…