“The Earth On Turtle’s Back,” by Onondaga-Northeast Woodlands retold by Michael Caduto & Joseph Bruchac, is a mythical story of Native Americans. This story is about, there was this young wife of Ancient Chief. She had a dream about her being pregnant. And the Ancient Chief was not happy. He ordered young men together to bring up the tree.…
The diction functions to portray the character of the turtle and how he physically moves throughout his journey. The turtle’s “fierce” and “old humorous eyes” are able to overcome his “frantic” emotion of fear extroverting his competitiveness. The purpose of this is to exhibit the fact that self-doubt is present within the turtle, however it is outlasted by his perseverance. The turtle is delineated as woodenheaded because of his strong pursuit of crossing he road. After the turtle has “rested” by staying in his shell for a while, he uses his “elephant legs” to “[reach] for something” that will help him proceed through his journey. The use of other animals to personify the turtle helps imagine the actual appearance of the turtle, therefore creating a clearer image of the chapter in general. The sense of…
Constructing this story first with the campfire is the cliché atmosphere for the bonding of man and his offspring. Significantly, the selective detail of the pine falling from the tree foreshadows the similar genealogical-biological proverb, “the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree”. Building on this mutuality, the audience can infer the strain that will soon occur between the father and the son. Nature alludes to the genealogy between man and father. When the narrator expresses, “when you slept inside the tent it seemed always that it was raining outside because the needles from the pine kept falling…,” one can conclude the agony that will soon come from the one who inflicts this pain. Conclusively, the imagery reflects a correlation, but a sense of authority and…
The World on the Turtle’s Back is an origin story created by the Indians about the formation of Earth and how life came to exist on it. It states that before Earth existed, there was just Water, and the Skyland. A women falls from the Skyland only holding a handful of seeds after the chief uproots the Great Tree. As the women is falling the birds living below in the water, all agree to do something to help the women. They then fly up to her as she is falling and catch her and lower her down to the ground gently. The birds all realize that the women can’t live in the water. So they all again devise a plan to go to the bottom of the water and grab the Earth and pull it up. They all try and fail until it comes down to the small muskrat. The small…
The biggest literary element in this story is symbolism. Symbolism seems to scream out at the reader on almost every page. Andy is a young tomboy who loves to spend time with her father, but as she is getting older she realizes that one day she will have to become a woman. When Andy says that she is comforted by the fact that the woods seem to always stay the same, it expresses…
Crack. Crunch. Stomp. The men of your tribe had just come out of the woods with a new deer on their back. The tribe then begins to pray over the meal before eating. In the ancient times of American Indians they told there stories by passing them around orally. The tribes had no written language so they had no way of writing them down. In the tribes they showed more respect because of the language they use. Through the sources “When Grizzles walked upright” by the Moldoc, “The Navajo Origin Legend”, and “The Earth on Turtles Back” by Onondaga-Northeast Woodlands.…
One recurring motif I noticed in this novel was the role nature played on the plot line of the story. When I think of nature in this book, I think of the changing seasons that occurred throughout the story.…
The world on the turtles back is a creation myth story that has been passed down from generation to generation in the Native American culture. The story gives explanations for how the world came to be. It also tells of how day & night and also agriculture was created.…
The first symbol of nature I will discuss is Chokecherry tree. On Sethe back are whelp, from which she received from a beating, which resembles a Chokecherry tree entacted with a trunk, branches, and leaves. The tree symbolizes the beginning of a new life as well as the death of a loved one. It symbolizes the start of a new life because…
fields serves as the apparent motive for the murder of Carl Heine. To a local…
In “The World on the Turtle’s Back”, the right-handed twin is portrayed as the benevolent “Master of Life” (200) and the left-handed twin is seen as the devious one. In my opinion, the left-handed twin is not the antagonist of the story.…
These stories are also different in their own way. In the story of “The World on the Turtle’s Back” the couple was forbidden to eat from the tree but the wife is pregnant and decides she wants some tree roots. In the Bible the couple was forbidden to go get the fruit but the evil snake tells the female its okay even though she was told by God not to eat it.…
In The Witch's Boy, nature is one of the single most important story elements. The woods are presented as this mysterious place that the people of Ned's village are terrified of. They heard legends of giant monsters that roamed the forest and ate people. They heard stories of the trees moving and shifting to keep people lost. The Ancient Stones shifted the forest to bring Ned and Áine to them and it was the stones – part of nature themselves – that brought them home. Sometimes nature can be used as a sense of balance between the natural world and the supernatural powers. Ged’s entire magic is based off of the nature of things and knowing their true names, one of the first rules to his magic is that for every action he does with magic there will be some sort of reaction. Sometimes to potions and spells used by witches and wizards involve natural things like bugs and flowers to create something, like Aunt Zelda had to use in the novel…
Another thing that they explain is how the trees came to be. They tell a story about how a woman fell from the sky and planted the seeds in the ground to make the trees grow. I think this is symbolic because they needed a way to figure out where they came from. In the past they might have been symbolic because usually there was only one Great Tree, and that was where all life centralized and where everything came together.…
Trees in nature is the most important of the key points. For example the setting of the moors is not only able to distinguish the personalities of characters, but also is able express renewal…