Section: II-SC-A
Teacher: Mrs. Catalina Silang
Station agency: Jose J. Leido Jr. Memorial National High School
Cooperative Agency: School Library and Internet Cafe
Project Cost: P 10
The Effectivity of
(Hyptis suaveolens) leaves
As a treatment
For Athlete’s foot
Athlete's foot (tinea pedis) is a very common skin infection of the foot caused by fungus. The fungus that commonly causes athlete's foot is called Trichophyton.
Fungal infection of skin is rampant nowadays, maybe because the environment where we mingle with.
We can prevent spreading it by good hygiene. However, if the spreading cannot be controlled, there are some other ways of treatment. Herbal plants play an important role in traditional healing of fungal infection.
The researcher proposed Suob-kabayo leaves as treatment for athlete’s foot. According to Bacon, distilled from the plant a greenish, volatile oil, with a powerful menthol odor, investigation proved that menthol is the principal constituent of this oil. Santos and Valenzuela conducted a phytochemical study of the fresh leaves and report having obtained 0.006837 percent of volatile oil. Oil is a known fungicide that can be used for fungal skin infection such as athlete’s foot. Suob-kabayo contains such oil. The researcher prepared the needed materials such as Suob-kabayo leaves, water, and vinegar and performed the indicated procedure in making the extract from Suob-kabayo leaves to treat athlete’s foot.
A project proposal is a special project given by Mrs.
Silang in Research subject. This proposal aims to train student to experiment and discover within themselves, something helpful and beneficial to less