COLOR Harmony
Definition of terms:
Chroma refers to amount of intensity that a color has
Red is very bright with a high intensity
Grey is very “dull” and has a low intensity
Value refers to the lightness or darkness of a color
Pink is light and has a high value
Maroon is dark and has a low value
Background Works:
Betty Edwards is a well-known author in the art education world for her book Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. In Edward 's book, she claims that the right side of the brain contains spactical and creative thinking skills to communicate visually, while the left side of the brain contains logic and reasoning thinking skills to communicate linguistically. Her book has been proven to bring positive results. This book has been published in several languages and it is the standard resource for most art schools. In another book, Color, she develops another theory. Her new theory is that if colors are placed in a circle based on their value and chroma, then colors on the opposite side are the most harmonious and aesthetically pleasing. (see next page for diagram)
Purpose: The purpose of this experiment assess the validity of Edward 's Theory of Color Harmony based on Opposite Value and Opposite Chroma. This experiment will do this by analyzing statistical data from a color survey that has various color combinations that are based on axis of harmony that Edwards proposes. The information will be analyzed to test the validity of her theory.
Here is Edward 's diagram of a green color circle based on value:
The diagram includes the axis of harmony according to her theory.
Here is a diagram of a green color circle based on chroma:
The diagram includes the axis of harmony according to her theory.
This experiment will measure value by
Bibliography: Edwards, Betty. Color. NY: Penguin Group, 2004. Edwards, Betty. Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. NY: Tarcher, 1989.