sebaceous glands in the skin become inflated with excessive steroid use. Once this happens, the oils in the glands are increased which causes the skin to break out with acne. Another effect would be gynecomastia (increased breast size in men). This occurs when the body converts extra testosterone into female hormones, like estrogen, and female breast tissue is sometimes formed creating breasts on the man. Females will also experience male characteristic changes to their bodies. They might notice that their voices may be deepening because the testosterone from the steroids sends male signals to the brain. Facial hair and
sebaceous glands in the skin become inflated with excessive steroid use. Once this happens, the oils in the glands are increased which causes the skin to break out with acne. Another effect would be gynecomastia (increased breast size in men). This occurs when the body converts extra testosterone into female hormones, like estrogen, and female breast tissue is sometimes formed creating breasts on the man. Females will also experience male characteristic changes to their bodies. They might notice that their voices may be deepening because the testosterone from the steroids sends male signals to the brain. Facial hair and