Medieval Drama
The variety of Dramatic forms of medieval drama
Form classical Greek times, and in many other cultures, theatre has maintained strong religious connections. The origins of English theatre are religious too.
1- Forms of Medieval drama:
The first forms of medieval drama are related to Religious form, i.e. all related to different festivals mass and holidays. It was prominent during Easter and Christmas. For instance, Tropes is a dramatic performance, in which three maids looking for the body of the Christ. There were no secular actors, but member of the clergy. There is much dialogue in Latin rather than English. These plays appear from the 10th to 13th century. The Miracle or mystery plays were in fact plays organised in cycles, episodes, celebrated different moment in Gospel and Bible, form the creation to the last judgement, stages in different part of the city and towns. The Corpse Christi was the most important cycle played in medieval ages. Different guilds organised a particular performance in each town, moveable stages play around the city, and characters mimic the dialogue. Some episodes from the Old Testament characters are presented as antagonists to each other. They had didactic forms. Those cycles gradually were allowed to expand their dialogues and starting to include some pagan elements. Sometimes these cycles were attacked by Puritan, since these plays were not faithful.
Morality plays: they were inspired in religious notions, but not based directly from the Bible. They represent new stage of development of more secular pagan form of drama. They represent the life of all mankind. They are moralising and didactic. Their character was allegorical not realistic, represented abstract ideas. Each character symbolizes the seven sins, virtues, institution. The theme is the struggle of the main character on his soul. They are related to the “Autos Sacramentales”. In the 1514, The Castle of Perseverance is a