from a article i found that a man said this quote “as the technology progresses you’re now able to locate animals without having to walk and work for them. That effort and skill makes hunting what it is,” said Brass the man who told another part of this article i found a paragraph that talked about am man named randy hampton and said this quote”Our goal is to make sure that the harvest of animals is done in an ethical fashion. That we’re not seeing people get out there and do things that are crossing the line,” said Colorado Parks & Wildlife spokesman Randy Hampton. …show more content…
One thing they can be used for is tracking.if a deer runs away after being shot with a weapon, the hunter can chase it and track it by following it with the drone because drones can go 55 miles per hour and deers and does can only go 47 miles per hour and i got that from this link down below of this example is that another trakcing thing is if your chasing a elk that is 45 mph (same as the deer) and the drone is 55 mph can defitly chase it and then you dont have to run like 2 miles throught thick brush or trees.
The last example i have is that the animals are very slow except the lion.if you're hunting in a country where lions are legal to hunt then it will be a hard time to kill because it will take a long time to catch it on foot.if you use a car it will be loud and you’r can’t sneak up on the lion or tiger.then it could hide and then when you get out ,boom,your gone.drones can chase it because the lions are 50 mph and the tiger is 40 mph and the drone is 55 mph so it's very easy to track and a friend can follow the hunted animal.
So that is why i think drones are useful for hunting because tracking and more other things that are too long to talk about so the link fo 1 of these are below so goodbye. sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8