Our gustatory pleasure is not as important as the lives of animals. The example used in the article to explain this argument was the “Torturing Puppies” argument. Anyone who has compassion and emotions would agree that saving the lives of the puppies is the right thing to do, as opposed to killing them just for a momentary, gustatory experience. This is the same with the meat farms and consumers. Many animals such as chickens are ripped off of their beaks. Baby cows are put in cages to make their meat tender by not allowing their bones and muscles to grow. Pig’s tails are cut off and are subject to enclosed spaces. The living conditions of these animals are poor. Hormones are being injected into animals, negatively affecting the consumer’s overall health. All of this torture, just to kill these animals for gustatory pleasure, seems just as bad as the puppy example mentioned…
Did you know that most ‘free range’ chickens aren’t free? Probably not. It’s surprising how much is unknown about the food we eat. In The Omnivore’s Dilemma, Michael Pollan claims that we don’t know enough about our food. Pollan argues that we should be connected to our food by telling us how unhealthy our food can be, by showing us how little we know about our food, and by explaining the good in local meals.…
Modern Americans who have not been exposed to farm life have no concept of the origin of the meat they consume. When the need arises to prepare a meal they just go the supermarket where the meat issues would needed is conveniently packaged in nifty Styrofoam trays under shrink wrap. There are two very interesting dynamics here; first the thought of where that pork chop came from is disturbing, and so we don't think about it. Alternatively, we know where it came from and we are looking for the best quality that we can find for our family. Most Americans think that meat is magically inserted in those trays;…
As humans, we have been naturally inclined to eat meat since the start of our existence. But many people believe that using an animal for our own personal gain is very unethical. One such group, PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), published “Animals Used for Food” in 2016 on their organizational website, they argue that animals are compassionate just like we are and that people need to be their heroes. PETA’s audience incorporates everyday people in a global aspect. This article combines the rhetorical appeals of ethos, logos and pathos. The author of this article mostly uses the emotional appeal of pathos to help persuade people to help them in their efforts to save the animals.…
Health problems are flooding America. Why? It is the unhealthy, toxic food that we are consuming every day, everywhere. To change America's path on health and food, we have to fix how we eat and know where our food come from. In the novel, The Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan, the reality of our food is dived into. Pollan takes us on a journey where he explores the four food chains. Those four food chains that control America’s food consist of, Industrial, Industrial organic, Local sustainable and Hunter-gatherer. Industrial is what you find in most supermarkets the “cheap”, and full of additives, preservatives, and antibiotic food. Additionally, there is Industrial organic. This food chain is a bit healthier than it's partner Industrial,…
Buying any meat, dairy, and egg products is buying from the same four large companies that run the meat industry in America today. By using the Confined/Concentrated Animal Feeding Systems or CAFOs, these companies have made it to the top of the meat industry. CAFOs systems are unethical and pose a huge risk to our environment and our own health. Although these animals are being raised to be consumed does not mean they should live in small pins with no exercise, stand in their own feces, and be pumped with growth hormones and antibiotics. CAFO systems also have a huge impact on our environment, the CAFO systems have a vast amount of waste produced on small amounts of farmlands that cannot decompose properly. Causing farmers to dispose of the…
The first perspective is of a carnivore’s. The taste of meat is one of many things in life that you can’t just recreate and expect it to have the same taste as the original. It has a unique taste and texture that only the mastication of flesh in between your teeth can satisfy. The tenderness, juiciness, and taste is what leaves people wanting more. Speaking from my past love for meat those were all the reasons I was head over heels in love with it. Although after I learned what these poor creatures have to endure for me enjoy such a delicacy I became a vegetarian. Some meat eaters know about what goes on in factory farms and how their food is processed but they continue to enjoy their consumption of meat. Although it is a good source of protein…
The Omnivore’s Dilemma, by Michael Pollan, analyzes the eating habits and food chains of modern America in an attempt to bring readers closer to the origin of their foods. Pollan’s blend of humor and philosophical questions about the nature of food serves both to enlighten readers about the environment from which their food is harvested and to teach readers about alternative ways of eating.…
Animals are constantly being slaughtered for our own selfish eating habits, today people are more worried about their social media fame then what they’re putting into their bodies and the process that it takes to get to our plates. An author Nicholas Kristof, wrote “Animal Cruelty Or The Price Of Dinner?,” published in 2016 in the New York Times, and he argues that while the public are raising a riot about a dog getting abused by his owner, while millions of baby chickens are getting slaughtered everyday for our food and no one seems to care. Kristof starts building his credibility with reputable sources and personal facts, citing from his own research and conventional facts, and successfully discussing his own emotional appeals; however, his attempts to appeal to the readers’ emotions weaken his credibility and ultimately, his argument.…
The industrialization of our meat and food industry has obliterated the notion of Old McDonald’s farm and replaced it with scenes that are deplorable by any morally just person’s standards. These large animal farms, that I have personal experience with (Oakdale Egg farms in Pasco Washington) produce an estimated 18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. That share is larger than that produced by transportation. That statistic should be coupled with the fact that for every six pounds of grain fed to livestock and poultry, we receive in return, one pound of food (Singer). Part of the reason why I get pissed off every time I see a new shiny, One Cent Penny, is because I am aware that the cost of making the damned thing is more than it is worth. If the fact that we are so wasteful in a practice that is so morally flawed in standard industry practices, we should be appalled at the fare on our tables? The ethics of our waste and maltreatment of animals is as acratic of practice as I can think of in today’s world, with as little pushback seen from the general masses. Singer states, “If we do not change our dietary habits, how can we censure those slaveholders who would not change their way of living?” Changing our diet is tough no doubt. Envisioning a life without meat is very difficult for me but in my household, a concerted effort is made to purchase free range, organic and humanely treated animal products. Where Singer see’s no need for meat in a diet that can be supplemented with non-animal products for nutrition, I feel that the separation created is too much too soon for most Americans and other industrialized nations. Singer does aptly point out though, that “Our custom is all the support that the meat-industry needs. The decision to cease giving it that support may be difficult, but it is no more…
The essay indicates humans’ behavior towards nonhuman animals. I will explain how factory farmers treat their livestock compared to non-factory farmers. I plan on bringing forth humans moral responsibilities to nonhuman animals.…
But here is one consideration which is not a moral justification. You could say, in your defense, that everyone else around you eats meat, so it must be OK. But that is not a moral defense. The institution of slavery in the past had a similar excuse ("other white folks I know own slaves, so it must be OK"). Just because something is a widely accepted practice in society does not automatically mean that it is the morally right thing to do. You have to examine the question whether it is morally right or wrong for yourself, no matter what most other people around you believe or do. As Confucius says in the Analects, "Even if everyone says it's right, you have to investigate the matter for yourself. Even if everyone says it's wrong, you have to investigate the matter for…
The processed meat industry is an 800 billion dollar industry killing over 10 billion animals each in the United State alone. Factory farmed livestock account for over 99% of all the meat consumed by Americans even though they are raised in these despicable conditions. Many animals raised on factory farms live in abhorrent conditions where they are unable to turn around in their own cages, live in their own feces, and never even see the light of day.. Peter Singer dives into the idea that all animals are equal in a selection taken out of his book Animal Liberation, found in James and Stuart Rachels’ The Right Thing To Do, and advocates for the humane treatment of animals. Singer lays out the argument that it is morally wrong to make animals…
Thankfully, the Animal Welfare Act was passed (http://www.neavs.org/research/laws) and is regulated so as to avoid unneeded suffering for animals in research. Utilitarianism is a great ethical theory for this dilemma, animal research is the epitome of doing the most good for the most people. As The Ethics of Biotechnology (2009) states, we have to test our new antibiotics and medical theories on something to ensure that it works, using rodents and such are the only solution (for now) unless there are human volunteers willing to go through something like that. Even if there were, I am not sure that it is legal, even with contracts and everything! Great post, thank you for…
Animal Cruelty in American Agriculture Avoidable cruelty and unnecessary abuse of factory farmed animals is a crisis epidemic in the United States which warrants immediate action. In every country, “large numbers of factory farmed livestock are raised indoors in conditions intended to maximize production at minimal cost” (Merriam-Webster). Cows, pigs, chickens, sheep, horses, other animals, and fish are treated as dollar signs rather than living beings, around the globe. While there are several organizations that lobby and promote laws for more humane treatment of farm animals, very little is being accomplished or enforced. Consumer awareness, education, and purposeful advocacy are necessary to combat animal cruelty in American agriculture,…