Thankfully, the Animal Welfare Act was passed ( and is regulated so as to avoid unneeded suffering for animals in research. Utilitarianism is a great ethical theory for this dilemma, animal research is the epitome of doing the most good for the most people. As The Ethics of Biotechnology (2009) states, we have to test our new antibiotics and medical theories on something to ensure that it works, using rodents and such are the only solution (for now) unless there are human volunteers willing to go through something like that. Even if there were, I am not sure that it is legal, even with contracts and everything! Great post, thank you for
Thankfully, the Animal Welfare Act was passed ( and is regulated so as to avoid unneeded suffering for animals in research. Utilitarianism is a great ethical theory for this dilemma, animal research is the epitome of doing the most good for the most people. As The Ethics of Biotechnology (2009) states, we have to test our new antibiotics and medical theories on something to ensure that it works, using rodents and such are the only solution (for now) unless there are human volunteers willing to go through something like that. Even if there were, I am not sure that it is legal, even with contracts and everything! Great post, thank you for