“The Express “is an honorable example of a tried-and-true lesson. This movie focuses on the relationship of Ernie Davis, a gifted African-American athlete, who arrives at Syracuse, where he falls under the support of Ben Schwartzwalder. Schwartzwalder was the head coach of the Syracuse football team who brought Ernie to the football team and he worked him and also encouraged him to become a better player at that time. Schwartzwalder recruits Davis with the help of All-American running back, Jim Brown. The civil rights movement is gaining steam; Davis experiences prejudice on campus, in town, and on the field, sometimes from teammates. How he handles it and how he challenges Schwartzwalder to stand up for his players provide a counterpoint to several great seasons that lead first to a national championship and then to the Heismann Trophy. In other words, this movie is more a biography of Davis. Ernie, who overcomes a childhood stutter, is raised by his mother and especially his grandfather, a
“The Express “is an honorable example of a tried-and-true lesson. This movie focuses on the relationship of Ernie Davis, a gifted African-American athlete, who arrives at Syracuse, where he falls under the support of Ben Schwartzwalder. Schwartzwalder was the head coach of the Syracuse football team who brought Ernie to the football team and he worked him and also encouraged him to become a better player at that time. Schwartzwalder recruits Davis with the help of All-American running back, Jim Brown. The civil rights movement is gaining steam; Davis experiences prejudice on campus, in town, and on the field, sometimes from teammates. How he handles it and how he challenges Schwartzwalder to stand up for his players provide a counterpoint to several great seasons that lead first to a national championship and then to the Heismann Trophy. In other words, this movie is more a biography of Davis. Ernie, who overcomes a childhood stutter, is raised by his mother and especially his grandfather, a