Why are people against Communist? J. Edgar Hoover, Sidney Hook, and William O. Douglas have written articles about their opinion relating to Communist expanding throughout our Nation. Communism is a social organization based on the ownership controlled all economic and social activities. J. Edgar Hoover, Sidney Hook, and William O. Douglas have numerous points of view on Communism. Their voices and minds reveals that Communist is not who they say they are. J. Edgar Hoover believed the spread of Communism is a tremendous threat to our nation. Day by day, the number of people enroll in the party’s membership are significant. But Hoover believes the size of the party is irrelevant. Communism spreads widely through propaganda activities. Hoover stated its “objective, of course, is to develop discontent and hasten the day when the Communists can gather sufficient support and following to overthrow the American way of life”(129).
Unlike Hoover, Hook believes Communism is more of a threat to our Liberalism. “Liberalism is the memorial words of Justice Holmes, the belief ‘in the free trade of ideas – that the test of truth is the power of thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market’ “(264). More importantly, Hook fears of conspiracy. Conspiracy is “a secret or underground movement which seeks to attain its ends not by normal political or educational process but by playing outside the rules of the game” (265). Conspiracy is signs of using false labels and project lies. Hook sees Communist more of conspiracy than heresy. Of course, Communist conspiracy purpose is to take over the United States. Communist can not be stop by special legislation placing it and its entire boundary outside the law. Communist believes if a group of teachers are to take loyalty oath it is the guidance to protection of its institutions from subversion.
Different from Hoover and Hook’s ways of defeating communism, William O. Douglas
Cited: Schrecker, Ellen. The Age of McCarthyism. Boston, New York: Bedford/ St. Martin’s, 2002.