The First Crusade exemplified as a success by conquering Jerusalem; however, the so called miracle ended when Egyptians captured the Holy Land. As for the Second Crusade, it was unorganized and wasted resources quickly ending. Due to a European response to the Egyptian power, Saladin takes over Jerusalem lead to Gregory the VIII to call the third crusade. But the most important crusade was the last crusade. Leading to the fourth and final crusade, the main focus was North Africa. Alexius Comnenus asked help from the Pope to send missionaries to Byzantine to reason with the Muslims to give safe passage to Jerusalem again and cease the cruelty they gave Christians and Jews. Instead, Pope Urban II sent knights, and noblemen, and the barbaric peasants fight for "God and the Pope."
There were many volunteers creating the hugest naval fleet since the Roman Empire due to the dangerous route through the land of Anatolia. The Crusaders needed guidance to Anatolia so, they made a deal with the Venetians to take the knights to capture the rebellious, Christian town of Zara in return of guidance to Anatolia. This ended them as excommunicated due to their mistakes leading them to be held at Constantinople with little finance. Eventually, The capitol of the Byzantine empire was captured in the year 1453 by the