was also this guy that was kind of blocking the game but I didn’t know if that was usual or if he didn’t think it was rude. He was signing like the whole time to this guy that was sitting down. I was trying to look at what they were saying but they went to fast and so many different signs that I didn’t know. When the game started they signed the American flag which was cool to see the words signed. I was trying to see the words I knew so I could know where they were at in the song and try to follow along. I could tell when they did flag so that sort of helped. In the game they also had a drum thing that made loud vibrations I think it was so they knew when the game started but I wasn’t sure as the game went on. I also noticed that a lot of people passing us had many colors in their hair and it was fun to see that. As I was watching the game the rangers made really good plays with one kids dodging everyone and making it all the way to touch down. They were also signing to the coaches and to each other. I also saw this one person on the sidelines signing and then when the person looked away he tapped him again and started saying something else. The players also yelled and jumped all over each and kneeled down when a player got hurt just like any other football game. The rangers ended up winning because they had really good plays.
We then went down to the field and Camille was trying to sign to this guy the things we learned in class like what’s your name and what’s your age and many other things. She understood him and he understood her so that was cool to watch. I would like to attend another deaf football game again because I like how the environment is and it’s a good learning experience. I also feel that it wasn’t that much of a change then Nyos football games. I also feel like it would also better my ASL and give me more opportunities to sign to kids my age. I can also bring other friends along and we can sign to more people and actually interact more because this first game I wasn’t really signing to other people that much. But I was signing to Val, Willow, Zora, Aneilla and Camille so it was some practice. But it would be better to see how it is with someone who is actually fluent to see if I can follow along or if they’re to fast and how to know what to do if you still don’t understand them. There is still so much to learn and I’m hoping I will learn more and more by attending deaf events and interacting and possibly making friends. After the game we all talked about what was happening and what we
enjoyed. I also told my parents about seeing you there and what experiences I had.