By examining the events of each case study in detail we hope to find the motivation of terrorists, and to gain insight into what the events in which they played a part might teach us about how terrorism is evolving. Let’s begin our analysis by looking at the group known as the Tupamaros of Uruguay. Beginning during the early 1960s, this group emerged after a time period in which Uruguay had enjoyed a period of economic prosperity and growth during the first half of the 20th century due to the export of mainly agricultural goods. Following this time period the economy began to struggle, requiring its government to reduce spending. This was met with difficulty due to a largely deadlocked two party system of “Blancos” and “Colorados”. The public failure of these two political parties to find a solution to Uruguay’s problems cast a shadow of doubt on the political model of Uruguay and resulted in a
By examining the events of each case study in detail we hope to find the motivation of terrorists, and to gain insight into what the events in which they played a part might teach us about how terrorism is evolving. Let’s begin our analysis by looking at the group known as the Tupamaros of Uruguay. Beginning during the early 1960s, this group emerged after a time period in which Uruguay had enjoyed a period of economic prosperity and growth during the first half of the 20th century due to the export of mainly agricultural goods. Following this time period the economy began to struggle, requiring its government to reduce spending. This was met with difficulty due to a largely deadlocked two party system of “Blancos” and “Colorados”. The public failure of these two political parties to find a solution to Uruguay’s problems cast a shadow of doubt on the political model of Uruguay and resulted in a